Sunday 26 May 2013



The word Management is one of the keywords in today's world. All type of organization, formal and informal have to process a strong system management. Today management is essential not only in corporation houses, but even for educational institutions to functions in an order manner. It is here that the concept of management comes into existence.

Characteristic of Management

There are a variety of definitions of management, each laying emphasis on management as a systematic way of getting things done. Hence the concept of management carries some specific characteristics which are represented diagrammatically as follows:

  1. Necessity:- The process of management has now become a necessity not an educational institutions but everywhere. No institution can survive whole management. Eg- Without a management body, absence of proper teaching staff and non teaching staff no school can function at all.
  2. Efficiency:- The process of management can work where all human resources are used to the optimum level to complete a particular target based on the principle of "Right Man in the Right place for the Right job".
  3. Flexible:- It is said that the best management is that which carries alternates option with it. Management is a dynamic process which provides social additions and alternations. Rules and regulations in any educational institution should be worked upon as means and not an end itself. For eg.- If there is a power failure during a function, generator will be available.
  4. Get the work done:- In the words of Harold Keentz, "Management is the art of getting work done through people's formally organized group." Here getting the work done is very important whether through individual or group of people. For eg.- Teachers and students work together to organize the annual function gathering in school.
  5. Integrated process:- Management is concerned with allotting and distributing work and all the human resources and then are combined together to accommodate the given task successfully. For eg.- Due to the integrated efforts of management, headmaster, teaching and non teaching staff the educational institution can run successfully.
  6. Invisible process:- The process of management is an invisible one. It cannot be seen but is picked out of all levels that is top level, middle or supervisory level and lower level. For eg.- The principal, supervisor and teachers draft the yearly plan before new academic session begins. Students cannot see the planning, but it is done accordingly.
  7. As a Science:- Educational Management is a science as it is based on certain principles and laws which are applicable in any institution. For eg.- Principle of co-operation amongst the principle and teachers. Principal of equity where there is no bias towards any teacher and equal contribution of work is done.
  8. Continuous process:- Process of management aims at achieving specific objectives. Objectives are laid down and years go in achieving that objective. People's separations never tend to stop. After a specific objectives is achieved, emphasis is laid on achieving the next objective. For eg.- Provide qualitative education is the objective and years go but quality is never ending process.
  9. It Involves Decision Making:- Taking the correct decisions is one of the most important characteristic of the management. Decisions are taken by the top level manager that is the management and principals may be in consultation with middle level manager that is supervisor but have to be implemented by lower level managers that is teaching and non-teaching staff. For eg.- Holding the Mid-term exam is decided by the Principal after consulting the supervisor and teachers respectively.
  10. Controlling:- It si a very important characteristic of management process as some kind of authority is exercised by the higher level manager on the lower level manager. For eg.- Principal takes a surprise round in the school. Supervisor observe the daily teaching of teacher in the classroom.
  11. Leadership:- One of the most characteristic of management process is providing leadership. A leader is nominated or appointed within a group whose main job is to see that work is carried out smoothly. He has to motivate the group, harmonize them as a unit and see that everything works well. For eg.- The Principal is the leader of the teaching and non teaching staff. Class monitor in the absence of teacher is the leader of the class.
  12. Guidance:- Once the leader is appointed, he has to guide the group in an appropriate manner to achieve the objectives laid down by the institution. Guidance is given for improvement and making the optimum use of available resources. For eg.- Teacher gives vocational guidance to the students on the basis of his interest and aptitude.
  13. Appraisal:- Praising the work and effort of lower level managers by the top level manager is an important characteristic of management. This appraisal can be in the form of praise, words, incentive, salary and promotions. For eg.- Best Teacher Award given to teachers who work dedicatedly.
  14. Innovation:- It deals with finding innovative and creative ways of doing the work given. Work should be done with respect to the new trends in the teaching learning process. For eg.- Changes made in the B.Ed. Curriculum has lead to inclusion of mew paper titled instructional system in the curriculum.
  15. Conducive Environment:- For the process of management to work sucdessfully in any educational institution, there is need of a conducive and healthy working environment. There should be congenial relations amongst the top level, middle level and lower level managers. For eg.- Good rapport amongst teacher and students will help the teaching process move smoothly. Congenial relations between the staff members helps the work to be done smoothly.
Thus these are some of the important characteristics of management.

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