Thursday 23 May 2013


2000 years ago, Cicero propagated that education is the best gift we can give to the youth. Education is a dynamic concept with different persons interpreting it from their own background or ideas. Therefore its biological, physical and philosophical connotations vary from one another.

Etymologically, the word education is derived from the Latin word “Educatum” further derived from “e” meaning “out of” and “duco” meaning “to lead”. The word “Educatum” means to bring out the inside to the outside. Education also comes from the Latin words “educare” meaning to “bring out” and “Educere” meaning “improvement”, ”enhancement”, “progress”. In the India context, the counterpart of the word “education” is “Shiksha” which means “learning or teaching”.

                    Education is the creation of a ‘sound mind’ in a ‘sound body’.

Mahatma Gandhi:-
                                     Education means all round drawing out of the best in child and man-body, mind and spirit.

John Adams:-
                                Education is a bipolar where one personality acts upon another in order to modify the development of the other.

Education is a dynamic force in the life of an individual and influences his physical, mental, social, emotional, ethical, creative and spiritual development.

A teacher is the maker of man. A child is like putty in the teacher’s hands. He can easily be moulded by a teacher into set grooves. Hence imparting proper education to a child is a great onus or responsibility and it is the duty of the teacher to shape the child’s future with utmost care and compassion.
                For true all-round development, it is essential to cover and develop all powers of the child – physical, mental, emotional, social, moral and spiritual.

1.       Physical Development: - The body is the temple or seat of life. Thus like a temple, it needs to kept clean, hygienic and healthy. So to make sure that my student are physically fit, I would-
a.       Propagate, in principle as well as practice, the benefits of a healthy body.
b.      Guide students and their parents on the importance of exercise, the intake of nutritious nourishment and practice of sound sleep.
c.       Monitor their dietary habits.
d.      Co-ordinate with the physical education teacher to ensure regular exercise activities are scheduled and health check-up camps are held.
e.      Actively encourage my students to participate in at least one sport of their liking.

2.       Mental Development:- Just a physically fit body will not help the child to progress. He should have adequate mental stability as well.
a.       I would complete the syllabus as per the designated objectives and by using scientifically approved and appropriate teaching methods.
b.      I would inculcate a scientific attitude in them and would as far as possible adopt the direct teaching method wherein the student could learn and retain effectively form the experiences.
c.       Along with academic activities, I would ensure adequate time is devoted to participation in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities such as competitions, fairs, festival celebrations, picnics, etc.
d.      I would try to draw out their hidden talents in the field of fine arts – drawing, craft, singing, music, etc.
3.       Emotional Development:- The thoughtful mind is an empty slate without emotions. For the proper emotional growth of the child I would-
a.       Create a healthy, harmonious and happy atmosphere in the class conducive to study so that children enjoy coming to school.
b.      Highlight the underlying core elements and values of each lesson as per the national directive.
c.       Build an approachable personality so that students may easily come forward and share their queries, problems, achievements and grievances.

4.       Social Development:-
a.       Foster a sense of unity and brotherhood by holding group activities where children interact with each other.
b.      Teaching them the importance and value of national integration and civic sense.

5.       Moral Development:- I would ensure that value education and moral science classes are conducted to simulate thought-provoking situations where high moral fibre is weaved into their personality so that they are able to differentiate between right and wrong and develop the courage to stand by what is right. Eg. Protecting the environment, following the traffic rules, respect for elders, etc. 

6.       Spiritual Development:- Last but not the least I would promote the importance of prayer and spiritualism not through radical methods but encouraging them to choose wisely and carefully the spiritual path they wish to tread as this is a highly personal choice.

Thus we have seen how Education’s prime concern is to draw out and develop a child into a person who is physically , mentally and emotionally fit, and who is a social being high moral and spiritual character. And this conversion or process can only be fully accomplished under the able guidance and watchful eye of a capable teacher who brings out the best in him.

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